The community of women to be part of if you want to get organized, get stuff done, and finish the projects you start.

the FOCUS squad

Ready to finally get consistent and stop getting stuck in every little obstacle so you can make progress towards your goals?


Whether you have a job, a business, or a personal project you want to work on, we’ve saved you a seat.

  • Maybe you want to write a book.
  • Or be an artist.
  • Maybe you want to keep the house organized.
  • Be an admin Queen.
  • Keep your bum in the chair and finish the damn task.

Or, like me, you need to juggle child care, work, house chores, and your relationships, and you feel like the time math is just not right...

Welcome to The FOCUS Squad.

If you're anything like me, you love a good planner.

You also dream about perfect morning routines, set impossible goals, and schedule your day using calendar blocking.

And most techniques work... maybe... for a while... until they don't.

Don’t worry.

It’s not you.

It’s them.

notebook with a todo list

What you can expect from the squad



You’ll be guided to have a simple planning routine you can stick to and actually get things done.

You’ll always know what your next step is.


Time ownership

You’ll stop complaining about not having time. Because you’ll be able to prioritize what matters, including personal time to rest.



You’ll feel productive and fulfilled, and you’ll believe in achieving your goals again.

Imagine finishing what you start. Feeling confident and empowered because you know you can get stuff done.



You'll learn to keep your word when you say you’ll do something and have your own back even when things don't go well. This is the magic ingredient for trusting yourself to make decisions, take action, and handle life like a pro.



You'll develop the strength to keep going even on difficult days when there is no motivation.

This might be for you if you...

  • Are feeling stuck
  • Start lots of things but don’t finish them
  • Don’t have the discipline to stay consistent so there’s not much visible progress
  • Have been burnt out before so now you’re afraid of putting too much effort into your work
  • Have tried calendar blocking but you don’t follow through on your appointments
  • Have too many ideas, too little time
  • Would love to be able to make time for a hobby, but the ToDo list is overflowing
  • Have a love/hate relationship with planning because nothing worked for you so far or you couldn’t stick to a strategy
  • Are your own biggest obstacle and talk yourself out of your ideas with your negative self-talk and fear
  • Only work when you’re motivated which is not very often.

Why I created The Focus Squad

After coaching dozens of people 1 to 1 and in small groups over the past 4 years, I noticed that what most people needed was not more information, but to implement what they knew. To sit down and do it.

I also learned why they didn’t:

  • Many competing interests;
  • Long ToDo lists;
  • Fear of failure, of other people’s opinions, and fear of hard work that might lead nowhere;
  • And loads of distractions, including their own brain.

I also know how difficult it is to get stuff done when you have kids.

With a 4-year-old and only 2 days of nursery, I still need to serve my clients, do marketing, walk the dogs, educate and entertain the child, exercise, be passionately in love, and occasionally leave the house and see friends for my own sanity. 

It sometimes feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. 

But I learned that if you...

👉 focus on the right things, 

👉 work efficiently,

👉 and keep the chatter in your brain to a minimum...

...You can get it done.

It will feel like you're expanding time.

I’ve been obsessed with productivity since my early twenties.

I read all the books and tried all the strategies.

And they all worked until I had a kid.

Then, I learned that everything I knew about morning routines, habits, and productivity doesn’t apply anymore. For a while, I thought it was me. Then I realized that most productivity systems and books were written by men from a different generation.

I had to change the rules and make things work for me again, with my new circumstances.

Now I have a more feminine-based approach, around my child and my cycle, while still getting great work done.

What the Focus Squad offers

2 co-working sessions per week

We meet on Zoom for 90 minutes of distraction-free, focused time to work on your most important tasks.

Monday at 1pm BST and Wednesday at 7pm BST.

Office hours sessions every week on Zoom

to ask questions,

get support,

be coached,

get advice.

Monday at 2:30pm BST and Thursday 7:00pm BST.

Recorded Content

Lessons on Discipline, Productivity, Time Management, Planning, and Habits that you can watch in your own time.

A Facebook Group

for support and accountability;

Andreea will be in the group to answer questions every day.

About your coach

Andreea is a Certified Life and High Performance Coach and published author of The Introvert Who Could.

Through her coaching programs, book, courses, and 1 to 1 work, she has helped people become more productive, confident, change their habits, and be more disciplined and organized.

She’ll meet you exactly where you’re at and help you make progress on your projects, move through obstacles, and continue to believe in your dreams.

andreea selfie with glasses


"I've defined my daily non-negotiables and I'm sticking with them daily; I trust myself more with what I have to do. I love the accountability and the drive the group gives me to do what I say I’d do, such as consistently engaging on social media."

“I t's amazing to know that the little things I plan for each day or week could really lead to the results I want."

"I really enjoy going along to Andreea’s co-working sessions. It’s a non-negotiable task for me every week to sit down and actually do some work. I have zero distractions for those 90 minutes. My notifications are silenced and all programs on my laptop are shut down so I don’t get sidetracked.

I usually work on new content for my social media pages, writing my newsletter email, or any admin tasks that I’ve been putting off. Sometimes I use part of the time to brain dump all my ideas down in my notebook to help me find clarity of what I want to achieve in my co-working session. It really is useful to me and my business. I’ve seen lots of growth and this weekly habit is now a main priority. It’s amazing how much stuff you can get done in 90 minutes!"

"I loved this. It made me think about myself and gave me the tools so I can plan, analyse and stick to my new habits whilst keeping the chatter of procrastination in my head under control."


When are the live calls?

This is the full schedule:


Co-Working at 1pm BST / 8am EST. This is a 90min slot split into two sections. If you can't make it for both, it's ok! To only join the second half, come to the Zoom room at 1:45.

Office Hours at 2:30pm BST / 9:30am EST. This is 30min only and it's especially for those who can't make any evening calls.


Co-working at 7pm BST / 2pm EST. This is a 90min slot, split into two sections. Come to one or both. To join the second half, be in the Zoom room at 7:45.


Office Hours at 7pm BST / 2pm EST. This is where you can bring all your questions to be answered live.

Do you record the calls?

The office hours calls are recorded, but not the co-working. During the co-working, we work.

What if I don't like it? Can I get a refund?

If you don't like it, you can cancel before the next billing date by sending me an email at [email protected]. However, there are no refunds for any payment already made, including the annual ones, and you will continue to have access to everything until the current payment expires.

How can I be sure if this is for me?

If the information on this page left you a bit confused, send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your current goals. I will be able to advise if the Squad is for you or not.